
Algorithmic Trading using Python

I have been fascinated by financial markets for a long time. Since the first year of my undergraduate degree, I started learning about technical analysis, and by the time I started learning programming languages, I wondered how can I apply both of this knowledge to achieve better results. This project is a reflection of my current knowledge in algorithmic trading and quantitative analysis and also aimed to provide basic kick starts for beginners.

Project Details

Starting with how to download and extract data, we go through all elementary concepts of stock markets and how to generate signals based on data. We then paced through technical indicators and then to the seasonality of equity to better understand the nature of prices over years. As we move further, we also started including many mathematical concepts along with machine learning.

For more details please follow the GitHub link for the project where you can find jupyter notebooks explaining and implementing all these concepts.

Project Requirements

This project does not impose in-depth knowledge of either field. But the reader should possess the basics of:

-candlestick charts 
-probability & statistics
-python modules like numpy, pandas
  • Categories

    Stock Markets, Quant, Machine Learning
  • Team Members

    Paras Jadiya